miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013



Sycamore Tree Pictures 1 - Sycamore Tree Pictures 2sycamore.jpg

The Plane Tree

Two travelers, walking in the hot sun, sought the shade of a large tree to rest.  As they lay looking up among the pleasant leaves, they saw that it was a plane tree.
"How useless is the Plane!"  said one of them, "it bears no fruit whatever, and only serves to litter the ground with leaves."
The plane tree interrupted him with quiet dignity, "Shame on you, ungrateful creatures.  You come and take shelter under me from the scorching sun, and then, in the very act of enjoying the cool shade of my foliage, you call me good for nothing!"

Don't forget:  our best blessings are often the least appreciated!

 A plane tree is a European tree.  Napoleon had a lot of them planted along the canals in southern France to prevent the water from evaporating as the canals were important shipping routes at the time.  In North America they're known as Sycamore trees.

Questions about "Cinderella"

-How many sisters has Cinderella got?
-What does Cinderella mean?
-Who are Cinderella friends?
-Where does she want to go?
-Who help Cinderella?